
Look up here, I'm in heaven

David Bowie 1947-2016

There's been a ton of well-written, thoughtful and personal tributes to David Bowie posted online by fans, musicians and people who knew David Bowie. I wouldn't both trying to top them; what was said of his influence, his range and his plasticity is too apparent to be denied.

Just days before his death, Bowie released his final recording Blackstar including videos "Blackstar" (released in November) and "Lazarus" (released two days before his death). While the music video media form has been going the way of the compact disc ever since MTV started reality television programming, the "Lazarus" video may be the most important message Bowie has left his fans.

In perhaps the a way only someone as intimate but flamboyant as Bowie could do, the artist released a video documenting his own realization of his mortality just hours before his own death. Bowie was "out there" in public but so private that he hid his illness from close friends (according to producer Brian Eno) - yet from the opening moments of the video showing Bowie's wrinkled hands and slender cheeks and chin, he's told the world he knows this will be his final act. 

Walking back from work today a restaurant was playing "Under Pressure" and all I could think was that both of those voices are eternally silent now. It was like that moment when you find out an older family member has died, as if they were immortal until you were shocked and found out they weren't. No one is. 

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